Wick Bambix is the founder of Dutch punk band Bambix. This powertrio played all over the world including touring Brasil 5 times thus creating a loyal fanbase. Bambix plays songs in which melodramtic melody thrives. They released 7 albums, one of which came out on Indigo Girls' Amy Ray’s Daemon Records and played with almost everyone's favorite bands.
After a short hiatus it turned out that Wick still had a lot to say to the world and she decided to record an acoustic album in which the punk attitude leads country and folky tunes and punkpop hops along. Songs sung with a raspy, expressive voice and lyrics about how the world should be but never is. Thus, The Pariah's Promise saw its light in March 2023. Great reviews and airplay, three videos joined the songs and clubshows and festivals followed. Wick played a.o. at Fusion, Sojus, Back to Future and clubshows e.g. as support for 100 Kilo Herz and the Long Ryders. In the meantime lots of new songs were produced and Wick Bambix hit the studio again (obviously Tim van Doorn's Big Dog) to record the first full-lenght album which came out end 2024 on Rookie Records. This highly melodic album contains a variety of styles; folk, country, pop and punk (yeah that one with drums!)
When playing live, without a wall of sound, Wick is joined by alleskönner Patrick and they go back to the essentials, which in Wick Bambix is quite a lot. Starting out bare bones, always ending with fists in the air. Old songs, new songs, some Bambix hits and some covers. Way to go Wick Bambix.